About CVC

Creekside Armed Forces Veterans Club (CVC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization comprised of members of the Regency at Creekside community in Gainesville, Virginia.  The nearly 60 members are proud military veterans who want to continue their service by honoring veterans and supporting other veteran focused nonprofits.  Our purpose and mission are as follows:

Purpose: To provide an organized framework under which Regency at Creekside military veterans may engage in volunteer activities to support other veterans and active military personnel, who may be in need of assistance.

Mission:  The Creekside Veterans Club is a voluntary organization.  Our mission is to engage military veterans, cultivate fellowship, create missions and opportunities that support military veterans in need; undertake support for charitable, social, and community events, which honor veterans and military service; and to advocate for legislation that promotes benefits to military veterans and their families.